Florida Grappling & BJJ Championships

For Autism Saturday In Coral Springs


February 5, 2011

Coral Springs Gymnasium

Coral Springs, Florida



CORAL SPRINGS, FL (Jan. 31, 2011) - On Saturday, February 5th, Grapplers Quest hosts the 4th annual

Florida State Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Open Championships this Saturday (Feb. 5) at Coral Springs

Gymnasium (located at 2501 Coral Springs Drive) in Coral Springs, Florida.


Grappling is the fast-paced ground fighting art of Mixed Martial Arts. It combines the throws of Olympic Judo,

the takedowns of Greco Roman and Freestyle Wrestling, Leg Locks from Sambo, and other Submissions

from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu like arm bars, shoulder locks and chokes.


Saturday’s grappling tournament in Coral Springs will raise funds for http://AutismRadio.org, a 501c3

charitable organization benefiting Autism Awareness, Family Support, Education, Treatment and Autism

Talk Radio Network. One-dollar from each ticket sold and competitor entry will be donated. Tickets are

$10.00 in advance at GrapplersQuest.com or $20.00 at the door and will be available on site. Fighter

Registration is open to all independent competitors and teams and will be accepted at the door.


Competitors of all ages and skill levels participate in this event, which is open to all grappling styles, in

order to determine the best grapplers in the State of Florida in 2011.


For more event information and discounts, visit:



About Grapplers Quest: Grapplers Quest is the world’s largest submission grappling organization with

300,000+ competitors worldwide since 1999, owned by The Grapplers Company. Events feature various

grappling styles with divisions for all ages and skill levels with events in major cities throughout North

America and Europe. For more information on upcoming events, go to: GrapplersQuest.com. For event

sponsor and exhibiting opportunities, visit: SponsorGrappling.com or call 877-ARMBAR-1.


About Autism: Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and

develop social relationships as well behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one

in 150 children in the United States. For more information on Autism, visit: AutismRadio.org






- From Full Court Press with a little editing from us (color, etc...)





Subject to change




